It is very hard if you have never done it before. It is surely a skilled job, taking a wheel off, taking off the plastic cover under the wing, having a manual with you, losing the alternator bolts, disconnecting water pump, taking off two pulleys and making mark, marking and losing tensioner, steering belt and what now. So many things, if held up even at one step you will be without a car and any mechanic will come to your place at 4 times the cost. Best is give a mechanic 60/70 and collect the car in one hour fully professionally done.How hard is it to change the timing belt in a 1997 Toyota camry?go to sign up (it's free) after that you can look up the car and repair manuel for the timing belt and see whats involvedHow hard is it to change the timing belt in a 1997 Toyota camry?It's even harder than already described if the timing belt goes around the frame member, which it does on many of the Toyota models. In that case you have to loosen a motor mount and jack the engine up high enough to get the belt around the frame member.
I usually do most things on my car, but this is one that $120 (or 60quid in the UK?) is well worth the investment.