Very hard. It can be done, but you are going to need the proper tools, a set of lifts (jack and jack stands don't work well), and a transmission jjack and some pieces of wood,
some WD-40, some old rags, and a lot of time (a whole weekend.), a buddy to help,a shop manuel on how to do it, and the timing belt.
In most newer cars, trucks, and SUV's, an engine mount has to be removed , the engine jacked up a little, and pullys removed with a special pulley pulling tool to get the belt off,
then the belt has to be put back on in reverse order as it came off, with the proper tension.
My husband spent 11 hours changing one on our car recently and spent over $200 on tools, manuel, and part combined.
It would have cost a lot less to have the local shop do it.How hard is it to change your own timing belt in a 2005 chevy aveo?Looking at the Chilton repair literature it looks likes a typical timing belt replacement: remove accessory belts, pulleys, timing belt covers, etc.
The only unusual thing is the instructions on how to align the water pump: %26quot;Using tool J-42492-A, turn the water pump until the adjuster arm pointer of the timing belt tensioner is aligned with the pointer on the tensioner bracket.%26quot; I don't know what that special tool is or if something like a pair of pliers would work too.
The Chevy Aveo 1.6L is an interference engine which means the engine will be damaged if the belt breaks with the engine running or if the camshaft and cranshaft pulleys aren't aligned correctly during belt replacement.